nurse, stethoscope, medicine

Medical Classes are Filling Fast!

With tons of different class options & payment plans, we’re the most flexible medical career training school in NWI!

Spring is our busiest time of year! It’s the season of change, and people come out of the cold determined to make the changes they need to to change their life for good! Are you one of those people? Read all about the classes we offer below, then fill out the form below to find out how to register for one of our classes before they fill!


Our phlebotomy class is the longest-running & most popular class. This one begins on March 10th and runs for 9 weeks on Tuesdays from 9:30AM to 1:30PM. Click here to learn more about the phlebotomy class!

EKG Tech

Our second longest-running class, the EKG tech is always great on its own or as an add on to your phlebotomy certification. It’s a fantastic resume builder. Our next class begins April 20th and runs for 11 weeks on Mondays from 9:30AM to 1:30PM. Click here to learn more about the EKG tech class!

Pharmacy Tech

This class continues to grow in popularity and is always filling fast! The next pharmacy tech class begins March 30th and runs for 10 weeks on Mondays & Wednesdays from 6-9PM. Click here to learn more about the pharmacy tech class!

Medical Assistant

Our newest & most popular class is also our most intensive. But those who are willing to put the work in will definitely see the reward! Our next medical assistant class begins March 9th and runs for 5 months on Mondays & Wednesdays from 5-8PM. Click here to learn more about the medical assistant class!

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