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Medical Career Academy – The Important Role of Phlebotomists in the Medical Industry

If you can see yourself working in the healthcare industry a few years from now, then you can start pursuing your goals by attending medical career classes that are right for you. You can consider becoming a phlebotomist, a specialist who draws a patient’s blood and sends it to the lab so doctors and scientists can analyze it to come up with a proper diagnosis.

A phlebotomy procedure is also called venipuncture—which is required for blood tests, transfusions, donations, and advanced research. You can find most phlebotomist professionals residing in hospitals or medical laboratories. Meanwhile, some prefer to supervise blood donation centers or work full-time in a doctor’s office.

No matter what path you decide to take in the future, it’s essential that you know how important the role of a phlebotomist is. Keep reading below to find out their typical responsibilities, giving you reasons to be a phlebotomist one day.

They Accept Medical Requests

As a phlebotomist, you’re expected to wake up early, just when the sun is rising. You want to guarantee that the blood samples you’ll be taking from patients are precise, making no room for errors.

To draw blood from a patient effectively, you need to target the time of day when their body is in a homeostasis state or have not eaten anything or done any activity that could influence their test results. You will require patients to be in a steady state, where their body’s chemistry and blood are clear from hindrances so you can initiate the blood exam.

Before a phlebotomist begins their duties, they will visit various health departments to obtain the necessary orders, which will tell them where they have to go and who they have to draw blood from. With each patient they encounter, they have to note all the information on their medical records to avoid discrepancies and failed tests.

They Perform Blood Tests

Before you become a certified healthcare worker, you will have to learn how to handle blood properly by attending phlebotomy training. Drawing blood involves wrapping a tourniquet around a patient’s arm and choosing an obtrusive vein where you will insert the needle.

You will then have to clean the chosen site before putting the needle in and finally acquiring the necessary blood either for testing or for transfusion. The time it takes for you to find the right vein will depend on the patient’s body because some take a while to locate them.

It’s not unusual to meet people who are afraid of needles or seeing blood. That’s why to be a phlebotomist, you must be good at dealing with people and have the patience to work with them. Since you’re in charge of the procedure, you must make them feel as comfortable and safe as possible to ensure you won’t have difficulty drawing their blood.

They Care for Their Patients

Without phlebotomists, doctors and professionals will have a hard time diagnosing a patient correctly because they need the blood test results to make progress. That’s why the healthcare industry takes a phlebotomist’s medical career training seriously.

In fact, a phlebotomist can save a patient’s life by performing the right procedure and getting the blood sample that will determine their underlying conditions. They deal with blood drawing several times a day, even when the patient is sleeping, because it’s their duty to speed up a patient’s recovery.

If they come across difficult situations, phlebotomists will sometimes seek a nurse’s help to draw a patient’s blood successfully. This goes for handling children, seniors, and those with specific medical conditions.


Phlebotomists can be considered as modern-day heroes alongside all the medical workers who strive tirelessly to save lives and attend to each patient’s needs. On a typical day, a phlebotomist’s responsibilities include accepting medical requests, performing blood tests, and caring for their patients as best as they can. If you’re interested in becoming a phlebotomist to help people in need, there are medical career schools you can attend that specialize in phlebotomy.

Are you looking for a Phlebotomy school in Indiana to jump start your medical career? Medical Care Academy offers high-quality education focusing on various healthcare fields. We provide hands-on experiences and digital experiences to ensure each student gets the best from their training. Get in touch with us today to register for our classes!

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