Medical Career Academy

Medical Career Academy – COVID-19 Precautions to Take When Reopening

COVID-19 Precautions to Take When Reopening

Though some communities are beginning to lift social distancing measures in an attempt to return to normalcy, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a threat to most. Industries looking to recommence operations must adhere to the Public Health and Human Services (PHHS) guidelines as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If your business is in the early stages of reopening, the following standards can keep your staff and guests safe and comfortable.

Rule 1 – Never Allow Sick Employees to Work

Employees experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 should never be allowed into work. Should they contract the virus within the workplace, separate them from other staff and send them home immediately. Employees exposed to an ill family member should notify their supervisor to determine whether a return to work is possible or out of the question.

Rule 2 – Enforce Social Distancing Measures

Limit customer-employee contact to one staff member per guest. Require both staff and visitors to wear face masks and practice social distancing measures of at least 6 feet apart. Mark high-traffic areas with visual indicators.

Rule 3 – Minimize Face-to-Face Interactions

When possible, encourage staff to work remotely and stagger shifts. Conduct meetings online and promote digital or curbside sales. If your facility has a break room, limit the number of employees that can enter at any given time.

Rule 4 – Create and Execute a Disinfection Plan

Deploy a daily sanitation procedure at the end of every working day. Pay special attention to frequently touched objects and surfaces such as workstations, doorknobs, telephones, handrails, and more.

Whenever possible, use products as recommended by the EPA for use against SARS-CoV-2. Rigorously decontaminate point of sale equipment and entrance or exit doors at least three times a day.

Rule 5 – Avoid Shared Equipment

Discourage the use of shared phones, desks, work tools, and other equipment unless entirely necessary. If so, disinfect each item before and after use. Encourage customers to make cashless payments to minimize contact.

Rule 6 – Promote Thorough Hygiene Practices

Train employees to practice comprehensive hygiene and coughing etiquette. Within your facility, station hand sanitizers of at least 60% concentration. Every hour, promote hand-washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds at a time.

Bulk up on trash receptacles and keep your staff from touching their eyes, mouth, and face with unwashed hands.

Rule 7 – Report All Safety Concerns

Your employees are at the highest risk of contracting a severe illness on-premises. Whenever feasible, allow telework and require staff to report any symptoms before heading into work.


Despite promising signs of improvement, the pandemic is nowhere near over. Still, operating your business securely and responsibly is more than doable with the appropriate measures. There is an apparent need to profit to keep your business afloat. However, health and safety remain a top priority to prevent the spread of the virus.

If you or your staff need to undergo additional training, search for courses at the Medical Career Academy. We are dedicated to providing each student with the best possible education and provide full support every step of the way.

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