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Medical Career Academy – 3 Non-Negotiable Traits Of A Good Phlebotomist

People are born with natural traits and inherent skills, most of which make them suitable for their respective career paths. Professions require a combination of these traits and skills, and such factors are particularly important in the medical industry. Phlebotomy, for instance, is a demanding but rewarding career that calls for individuals that have the proper training and personality.

A good phlebotomist is highly skilled and knowledgeable, working with the public daily through venipuncture procedures. They also need to possess good traits, particularly ones that can help them deal with patients, no matter how difficult.

If you’re considering pursuing a career in phlebotomy, here is a quick rundown of all the traits and skills you must possess:

1 – A pair of strong and steady hands

You’ll spend your waking hours handling needles and sticking them into people’s arms, so you’ll need to ensure that you have steady hands. This goes beyond just the actual physical steadiness of your hands, however—it also pertains to your confidence as a phlebotomist.

Your patients will want to feel safe and secure under your care, especially those nervous around needles and blood. They’ll want to be under the care of someone confident and professional, and it’s your steady and sure hands that will reassure them.

2 – An empathic approach

Needle phobia is a real thing, and some of your patients will come in completely anxious about the blood drawing procedure. As a phlebotomist, you’ll be dealing with anxiety-ridden patients, which can be difficult. With an empathic approach, however, you can easily stand out from the others in your field.

No matter how nervous or ridiculous a patient may be, it’s important that you remember that they may be dealing with a needle phobia—and it’s your job to give them the respect they need. You’ll want to calm them down before proceeding, and make them feel comfortable before drawing blood. In doing so, you guide them in facing their biggest fears.

3 – Patience is a virtue

There are people terrified of needles, but some will be angry about the entire process. Sticking a needle in their arm can hurt, and for the young and elderly, they may feel as though you’re merely trying to hurt them. Keep in mind that such procedures will be difficult, especially if you’re forced to find a viable vein multiple times.

In such difficult circumstances, you’ll want to keep calm and remain patient. If they ask for someone else to draw their blood, step back with good grace and allow them to find someone else. Losing your temper is never good for your career, and it certainly won’t make your patients any easier to deal with.

Pursuing Phlebotomy With The Best Medical Career Training Center

Becoming a phlebotomist can be extremely rewarding, especially since you’ll be practicing an exciting career. It’s a growing field in the medical industry, with plenty of room to grow as a healthcare professional. If you’re considering the role, make sure you have the traits and skills listed above. You’ll want to be someone with steady hands, and yet have an empathic heart for your patients. It’s all about making a difference!

For the best phlebotomy schools in Indiana, Medical Career Academy has you covered. We are dedicated to helping students attain the highest quality education in various healthcare fields. We provide real-life and hands-on experience, as well as digital experiences from professionals instructors. Pursue your medical career with us today—contact us today to learn more.

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