Child Abuse Prevention & Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is Child Abuse Prevention and Sexual Assault Awareness Month two issues that
Medical Career Academy strongly supports and will begin to be advocating for in the
organization. Right now, Medical Career Academy is in the process of developing Educational
Hope, a not-for-profit foundation that can provide services to our community that would
include; spreading awareness, educating on prevention, and providing resources for survivors
and families that have been impacted by abuse. In the meantime we will be posting things
throughout the month of April on our Facebook Page: Medical Career Academy to implement
awareness in our community.

What are some ways you can get involved and show your support?

  • Thursday, April 1 st: WEAR BLUE (Child Abuse Prevention) to show support that every child
    deserves a safe childhood.
  • Wednesday, April 21 st: WEAR DENIM (Sexual Assault Awareness) as a symbol of believing
    survivors and asserting that consent has nothing to do with clothing.
  • Wednesday, April 21 st: DIGITAL ADVOCACY DAY (Child Abuse Prevention) make sure our
    lawmakers at home and in Washington, DC know we believe in family-friendly policies and
    programs that benefit children and their caregivers. Speak up to grow a better tomorrow for all
    children. You can learn more here.
  • And for the whole month of April, you can join the Virtual Pinwheel Garden to show your
    support for all children and growing a better tomorrow! For more information click here!

Medical Career Academy thanks you in advance for getting involved and aiding in spreading
awareness! Your help is greatly appreciated!

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